Leaving no stone unturned in the development Trend, releasing various new iterations of these classic instruments. As a result, the combination of rarity and highĭemand saw prices of second hand units soar into the thousands of dollars. Most of these classic units were discontinued in the 80s and 90s. Many of dance music’s early hits were produced using these classic machines. They didn’t attempt to mimic the skeuomorphic design of older analogue hardware, it’s futuristic design only and we love it! Roland Cloudįor most electronic producers and knowledgeable dance music fans, names such as TR-808, SH-101 and Juno-106 are likje FabFilter didn’t go down that route, their design is clean and ultramodern.
If you want a vintage-looking plug-in, there are lots of great alternatives. The interface lacks clutter, which really helps to speed up the learning curve and workflow. They are super-easy and intuitive to use, something their hardware modelled counterparts often lack. What sets Fabfilter apart is their design. From hobbyists to high-end professional studios, they are often the go-to plugins for effects. Known for their outstanding sound quality, they are used by a vast number of producers. FabFilter produce some of the most forward thinking, great sounding and intuitive effect plugins on the market – we’ve been using them in our studio since day one!